
Neuroshima hex universal soldier melee than range
Neuroshima hex universal soldier melee than range

neuroshima hex universal soldier melee than range

neuroshima hex universal soldier melee than range

They share a lot of characteristics with swords gameplay-wise, but they'd have more of a chance to damage a hard target, but they'd also be less precise (no surgical thrust between armour plates for you, bud). They would be hardly usable against hardened and big enemies.īrief mention of axes and one-handed bludgeons. They might shine against certain mutations without carapace, especially humanoid ones. They would be decent sidearms, useful for finishing off wounded targets and taking down human enemies quietly. A combat knife or a machete doubles as a versatile tool, but that might not be really representable in game. Their main weakness is short range and difficulties when striking armoured targets, the latter being especially problematic for slash-focused constructions. Their strong points are mutlipurposefulness, small size and effectiveness against soft targets. Let's talk about swords, machetes and the like. As enemies will be very varied, I will go through different weapons and their possible applications. Sword-esque blades would certainly cut up the medusa pretty good, but the crab boy would exercise pwngraphy on anyone trying to kill him with a machete.


Killing a crab boy covered entirely by rock hard carapace would be different from killing a full tentacle medusa lass. These are Extreme Tentacle Spaghetti, which vary in size, level of protection and kind of danger they pose. To say that, we must look at the opponent the player will face. Portraying a more down-to-earth approach to melee would fit Phoenix Point a lot better than an exagerrated Extreme Ninja Ayymageddon. Attempting to kill a chryssalid with a big knife should be a desperate endeavour of a soldier who's out of ammunition, no a go-to tactic. The ADVENT trooper ought to have been either ambushed or engaged in very close quarters. If the kills I described earlier were to be plausible, the following must happen. While killing somebody with a melee weapon in a setting with automatic rifles is not unfeasible, it would never be the main way of fighting. Let's not even get into "blademastering" entire chryssalid pods. If you ran up to an ADVENT soldier with a machete and tried to slice through better-than-kevlar alloy armour, you'd get killed. If there is a better thing from shooting ayys, it's slicing them into pieces, right? While it certainly looks cool, it's not really feasible in real life. XCOM2 introduced a sword specialisation and many people liked it. Hello chaps! In a break between my obnoxious and immature memeing and studying for my finals, I decided to make an analisys-criticism-advice-plea thing about the exciting subject of melee combat in Phoenix Point.

Neuroshima hex universal soldier melee than range